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All education is indoctrination ,discuss by scholars

a year ago
The idea that all education is indoctrination has been a topic of debate among scholars for a long time. While some argue that education is a tool for promoting critical thinking and independent thought, others believe that education is a means of shaping individuals' beliefs and values to conform to societal norms and expectations. One of the most prominent scholars who argue that education is indoctrination is Paulo Freire, a Brazilian educator and philosopher. In his book "Pedagogy of the Oppressed," Freire argues that traditional education is a form of oppression that serves to maintain the status quo. According to Freire, education is a tool through which the dominant class maintains its power by shaping the beliefs and values of the oppressed to accept their inferior position in society. Similarly, the philosopher John Dewey argues that education is a means of socializing individuals to conform to societal norms and expectations. In his book "Democracy and Education," Dewey argues that education is a means of creating citizens who are capable of participating in democratic society. However, Dewey also acknowledges that education can be used to promote conformity and suppress dissent. On the other hand, there are scholars who argue that education is not inherently indoctrination. For example, the philosopher Martha Nussbaum argues that education is a means of promoting critical thinking and independent thought. Nussbaum believes that education should encourage individuals to question societal norms and expectations, rather than simply accepting them. In conclusion, the idea that all education is indoctrination is a topic of debate among scholars. While some argue that education is a means of shaping individuals' beliefs and values to conform to societal norms and expectations, others believe that education is a tool for promoting critical thinking and independent thought. Ultimately, the extent to which education is indoctrination depends on the goals and values of the educational system and the individuals who are involved in it.

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